Took an hour to start playing with MongoDB using c#. It's really easy to get it up and running, practically a matter of minutes on a single machine configuration. Later on I installed the official .net driver from jithub and wrote some code.
my conclusion so far:
1. it's fast. much faster than relation DB on same machine with same data.
2. for CRUD operations it's easy to use (I didn't take the time so far to checkout the map-reduce implementation coming with the driver).
When I tried to bulk insert more than 250,000 items I got an error from the server saying:
"Wed Mar 10 21:37:34 bad recv() len: 53888928
Wed Mar 10 21:37:34 end connection"
I opened a Jira bug for this since I didn't find anything about it on google and got the following response:
"messages can't be more than 4MB (plus a little wiggle room for header)
when doing bulk inserts, need to do in batches of 4mb"
Great work by the jira team of this project:
These are the results for my machine using single threaded approach with one open connection (intel core2duo , 2.66GHz , 3.25GB Ram, win xp sp2, standard single HD):
Time (ms) to create 1 jsons in memory: 0
Time (ms) to insert 1 jsons to mongo - one by one: 0
Time (ms) to insert 1 jsons to mongo - bulk operation: 0
Time (ms) to insert 1 jsons to mongo - bulk operation (safe mode): 41
Time (ms) to read 1 records: 0
Time (ms) to create 10 jsons in memory: 0
Time (ms) to insert 10 jsons to mongo - one by one: 2
Time (ms) to insert 10 jsons to mongo - bulk operation: 0
Time (ms) to insert 10 jsons to mongo - bulk operation (safe mode): 31
Time (ms) to read 10 records: 0
Time (ms) to create 100 jsons in memory: 3
Time (ms) to insert 100 jsons to mongo - one by one: 19
Time (ms) to insert 100 jsons to mongo - bulk operation: 0
Time (ms) to insert 100 jsons to mongo - bulk operation (safe mode): 42
Time (ms) to read 100 records: 4
Time (ms) to create 1000 jsons in memory: 22
Time (ms) to insert 1000 jsons to mongo - one by one: 197
Time (ms) to insert 1000 jsons to mongo - bulk operation: 4
Time (ms) to insert 1000 jsons to mongo - bulk operation (safe mode): 17
Time (ms) to read 1000 records: 29
Time (ms) to create 10000 jsons in memory: 233
Time (ms) to insert 10000 jsons to mongo - bulk operation: 58
Time (ms) to insert 10000 jsons to mongo - bulk operation (safe mode): 175
Time (ms) to read 10000 records: 247
Time (ms) to create 100000 jsons in memory: 2294
Time (ms) to insert 100000 jsons to mongo - bulk operation: 693
Time (ms) to insert 100000 jsons to mongo - bulk operation (safe mode): 1410
Time (ms) to read 100000 records: 2360
Time (ms) to create 1000000 jsons in memory: 23328
Wed Mar 10 21:37:34 bad recv() len: 53888928
Wed Mar 10 21:37:34 end connection
as you can see it, on this very simple configuration the performance is close to linear to the number of items on all types of tested operations
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1 year ago
Hi. Can you please tell me how do you see the query execution time. I have to test mongo against 1mil records,problems is i haven't figured out how to show the execution time(in ms) via the C# driver,or any other way for that matter. Can you please help me?
Sent you an email.
terribly sorry, i think it ended in spam folder and i emptied this morning :|...can you please resend?
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